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Dr. Angela Ayisi-Addo
Experience & Activities
Angela teaches and does research in sustainable development, community education and development, green cities and environmental development, gender and development, literacy, and lifelong learning. Her keen interest mainly focuses on the empowerment and participation of vulnerable groups in development, environmental sustainability, and lifelong learning. Angela has a passion for combining education with professionalism to empower, transform, and promote lifelong learning among individuals for well-being and sustainable development.
She has also worked as a Programme Officer and headed the Curriculum & Materials Development Unit of the Non-Formal Education Division, now, the Complementary Education Agency of the Ministry of Education where she coordinated the development and review of teaching and learning materials as well as training facilitators and promoting literacy programmes nationwide. Her roles at the Division exposed her to working with different organizations such as UNESCO, World Education, MiDA, World Reader, NaCCA, and Ecobank Ghana.